Jillian Laudano
Holistic Life Coach
3 Simple Steps to Transform your Life
- Set up a free Discovery Call
- Choose your path to empowerment
- Continue your momentum with the knowledge and tools for long term success
Tap into the courage, passion and desires you were born to connect with.
Discover your own personal power.
Transform your life with a proven method and time-tested techniques.
- Feel better
- Have more energy
- Experience less fear, anxiety and depression
- Improve your relationships
- End the cycle of negative thinking
– Shannon
Working with Jillian has been such a wonderful, positive experience for me. She is so genuinely interested in helping me to grow as a person. She has guided me to see situations in different perspectives. I feel like I’m on the right path now because of Jillian’s coaching.
Read More Testimonials from Past and Current Clients
Something To Ponder
Have you ever felt like you were meant for more?
Felt like you were living a good life, but not living to your truest potential?
If so, I can help.
About Jillian
Hi! I’m Jillian Laudano
I was there at one point myself. Through inner work on my mind, body, and soul, I found that my purpose in life is to help others find what truly lights them up.

Finding Purpose In Your Life
My goal and divine calling in this lifetime is to guide others to discover their souls’ purpose, find inner peace, and walk beside them on their journey to creating the life of their dreams.
We all have a purpose; and tapping into our inner knowing is a way to uncover our true gifts.
Ready for a Breakthrough?
If you have ever felt:
…you may benefit from one of my unique coaching experiences.
Reaching Enlightenment
I help clients uncover what is holding them back from living the life they desire. I then work on bridging the gap between where clients currently are to where they want to be. Together we co-create a space open to discovery and enlightenment, which leads to the empowering Aha moments and radical shifts.
Coaching Experience
A coaching experience offers clients a confidential and nonjudgmental space to open up and shine a light on the patterns that could be standing in the way of success. Together, we work on strategies and ideas that are client-led to help facilitate change toward desired goals and outcomes.
Path to Unlocking Success
Success comes in many forms, and each client’s successes are different. Some may want to:
Whatever it is, it is possible to achieve once they’re on the path to unlocking their personal gifts.

Free 30 Minute Discovery Call
“This is a new day. I begin anew and claim and create all that is good and so it is.”
-Louise Hay
Unique Experience
My coaching approach is holistic, and takes mind, body, and soul into consideration. Every experience is personally customized to each client and their desired goals and outcomes.
Meaningful Experience
Each client is whole, complete, and resourceful, and has greatness inside of them that is awaiting to emerge. I am honored to be able to witness the personal transformation of my clients, walk beside them, and hold a mirror that will reflect each client’s inner beauty.
Working with Jillian has been such a wonderful, positive experience for me. She is so genuinely interested in helping me to grow as a person. She has guided me to see situations in different perspectives. I feel like I’m on the right path now because of Jillian’s coaching.
– Shannon
View Coaching Packages For More Details

EFT Tapping for Anxiety
EFT = Emotional freedom technique
EFT focuses on relieving physical and emotional pain. You may be familiar with acupuncture, which use thin needles to stimulate pressure points. EFT tapping is a non-invasive alternative to relieving pain on a psychological level.
Follow along in the video below:

Thursday Talks
Every Thursday night I host a free live event called “Thursday Talks” where I invite guests to talk about their journey, and to promote their own businesses.